Research Article

Characteristics and Functions of the Rumen Microbial Community of Cattle-Yak at Different Ages

Table 3

Functional annotation results.

Total number of genes1,281,665

Annotated to KEGG ortholog/number of orthologs234,104 (18.27%)/3196
Annotated to KEGG pathway/number of pathways234,104 (18.27%)/369
Number of genes annotated to eggNOG/number of orthologs805,533 (62.85%)/22,766
Annotated to CAZy family145,489 (11.35%)
Annotated to ARDB gene/number of ARDB types275 (0.02%)/16
Number of genes annotated to VFDB/number of VFs99,767 (7.78%)/809

ARDB: Antibiotic Resistance Genes Database; CAZy: Carbohydrate-active Enzyme; eggNOG: Evolutionary Genealogy of Genes: Nonsupervised Orthologous Groups; KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes; VF: virulence factor; VFDB: virulence factor database.