Research Article

HYAL1 Is Downregulated in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Inhibits HFL-1 Fibroblast Proliferation When Upregulated

Figure 2

HYAL1 localization in normal and IPF lung tissues. (a) Images of healthy donor lung tissues and normal tissues from disease-free margins in non-small-cell lung tissue showing high HYAL1 expression; (b) images of IPF lung tissues showing low HYAL1 expression. The average IOD of IPF lung tissues () was significantly lower than that of healthy controls () (). The values were calculated using the unpaired test. HYAL1 is stained brown (DAB staining), and nuclei are stained blue (hematoxylin staining). The scale bars for the respective images are shown at the lower left corner of each image. (c) The average IOD of HYAL1 expression in IPF lung tissues () was significantly lower than that in normal controls () (). The values were calculated using the unpaired test. .