Research Article

HYAL1 Is Downregulated in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis and Inhibits HFL-1 Fibroblast Proliferation When Upregulated

Figure 9

SMARCA4 gene in HYAL1-expressed HFL-1 fibroblast is found in the central node in the IPA gene interaction network analysis. (a) Gene interaction networks of significantly altered genes from IPA analysis. Upregulated and downregulated molecules are represented in red and green, respectively. The different shades of colors correspond to varying extent of regulation. Solid lines represent direct interactions, solid lines with arrows represent direct activations, and dashed lines represent indirect interactions. (b) qRT-PCR profile of SMARCA4 in HYAL1-overexpressing HFL-1 fibroblasts and the controls. NC: HFL-1 fibroblasts infected with lentivirus containing CON335 empty vector (); OE: HFL-1 fibroblasts infected with lentivirus containing HYAL1 recombinant plasmid (). All values were calculated using the unpaired test. .