Research Article

Cerebrospinal Fluid Cytokines in Patients with Neurosyphilis: The Significance of Interleukin-10 for the Disease

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of patients with ANS, SNS, and NNS.

Clinical characteristicsNS ()NNS ()
SNS ()ANS ()

Sex ratio () (M/F)20/712/65/7
Age (years)
Serum RPR titer1 : 16 (1 : 4-1 : 32)1:8 (1 : 8-1 : 16)1 : 2 (1 : 1-1 : 8)
Positive CSF RPR ()22/27 (81.5%)a5/18 (27.8%)0/12 (0%)
Positive CSF TPPA ()27/27 (100%)18/18 (100%)0/12 (0%)
Positive CSF FTA-ABS ()27/27 (100%)18/18 (100%)0/12 (0%)
CSF WBC count (/μL)8.00 (5.00-15.00)6.50 (3.75-14.00)2.50 (1.25-3.00)
CSF protein level (mg/dL)48.30 (33.70-84.50)40.25 (31.28-55.90)22.25 (17.90-32.42)

Values are expressed as median (IQR), unless otherwise indicated. NS: neurosyphilis; ANS: asymptomatic neurosyphilis; SNS: symptomatic neurosyphilis; NNS: nonneurosyphilis; M: male; F: female; RPR: rapid plasma reagin; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid; TPPA: pallidum particle agglutination; FTA-ABS: fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption. WBC: : white blood cell. a compared with ANS.