Research Article

Molecular Epidemiology and Clinical Features Analysis of Respiratory Adenovirus Infections Reveals Correlations between Genotype, Inflammatory Biomarkers, and Disease Severity

Table 4

Performance of biomarkers for distinguishing HAdV-7 from HAdV-3 infection.

AUCCI 95%Optimal cutoff valueSensitivitySpecificityPositive likelihood ratioNegative likelihood ratioYouden index

PCT0.7730.661-0.886< 0.0010.75572.20%75.00%2.890.370.472
WBC0.7390.624-0.853< 0.00111.3475.70%69.40%2.480.350.451

AUC: area under the curve; CI: confidence interval; WBC: whole blood cell; CRP: C-reactive protein; PCT: procalcitonin.