Research Article

Molecular Epidemiology of GI.3 Norovirus Outbreaks from Acute Gastroenteritis Surveillance System in Taiwan, 2015–2019

Table 2

Positive selection analysis using SLAC, FEL, and MEME methods.

Positive selection sites
Data setMean dn/dsSLACa ( value)FELb ( value)MEMEc ( value)

VP10.056377 (0.055)20 (0.03)302 (0.03)
505 (0.084)377 (0.07)505 (0.00)
508 (0.07)528 (0.00)
532 (0.04)
RdRp0.03582 (0.09)43 (0.03)111 (0.01)

aSLAC: single likelihood ancestor counting: codons with value < 0.1. bFEL: fixed-effects likelihood: codons with value < 0.1. cMEME: mixed-effects model of evolution: codons with value < 0.1.