Research Article

Efficacy of Sucralfate-Combined Quadruple Therapy on Gastric Mucosal Injury Induced by Helicobacter pylori and Its Effect on Gastrointestinal Flora

Figure 2

The composition, alpha diversity, and beta diversity of the gastric microbiome in mice. (a) Relative abundance distribution of major phyla of gastric microbiota composition in each group. (b) Relative abundance distribution of major genera of gastric microbiota composition in each group. (c) Shannon index of gastric microbiota based on the OTU counts. (d) Simpson index of gastric microbiota based on the OTU counts. (e) Unweighted PCoA of gastric microbiota. NC: natural control group; HP: H. pylori model group; RAC: standard triple therapy group; RACS: standard triple therapy+sucralfate group; RACB: bismuth-containing quadruple therapy group; G: gastric microbiota; OTU: operational taxonomic unit; PCoA: principal coordinate analysis.