Clinical Study

Comparison of Intranasal Dexmedetomidine and Oral Midazolam for Premedication in Pediatric Dental Patients under General Anesthesia: A Randomised Clinical Trial

Table 1

Comparison of demographic information, duration of operation, and duration of anesthesia between the groups.

DEX groupMID group value
n = 30n = 30

Age (years)4.56 ± 0.594.79 ± 0.480.65
Weight (kg)15.12 ± 2.1414.87 ± 1.560.72
Gender (male/female)16 : 1415 : 150.49
Duration of operation (h)2.59 ± 0.652.34 ± 0.710.28
Duration of anesthesia (h)2.85 ± 0.492.62 ± 0.620.37

Note: data are expressed as mean ± SD or the number of children. Significant differences are at . Abbreviations:DEX: dexmedetomidine; MID: midazolam.