Clinical Study

Comparison of Intranasal Dexmedetomidine and Oral Midazolam for Premedication in Pediatric Dental Patients under General Anesthesia: A Randomised Clinical Trial

Table 2

Comparison of the groups in terms of preoperative cooperation and postoperative agitation in two groups (n = 30).

MID groupDEX groupX2/ value
n (%)n (/%)

Mask acceptance0.00/1.00
Satisfactory28 (93.33%)28 (93.33%)
Unsatisfactory2 (6.67%)2 (6.67%)

Successful parental separation0.08/0.95
Yes28 (93.33%)29 (96.67%)
No2 (6.67%)1 (3.33%)

Emergence delirium4.95/0.01
Present6 (20.00%)0 (0%)
Absent24 (80.00%)30 (100%)

Note: values in number (%). Significant differences between groups at the 0.05 level. Abbreviations: DEX: dexmedetomidine; MID: midazolam.