Review Article

From the Performance to the Essence: The Biological Mechanisms of How Tantalum Contributes to Osteogenesis

Table 1

Summary of critical molecules and signaling pathway activated by Ta in osteogenesis.

StudiesTargeted moleculesSignaling pathwaysBiological effect

Wauthle et al. [11], Kaivosoja et al. [25], Lu et al. [26], Hefni et al. [27]BMP2, BMP3, BMP4, BMP5, BMP7BMP/Smad/RunxPromote osteogenic differentiation and osteogenesis
Shi et al. [16], Hefni et al. [27]TGF-β2, TGF-β3TGF-β/Smad/RunxPromote osteogenic differentiation
Sollazzo et al. [28], Shi et al. [16]WISP3, β-cateninWnt/β-cateninPromote osteogenesis
Lu et al. [22], Zhu et al. [29]Integrin α5/β1, FAKIntegrin/ERK1/2Promote osteogenic differentiation and osteogenesis
Wang et al. [30], Sollazzo et al. [28]ROS, MAP3K2MAPKPromote osteogenesis
Wu et al. [17], Shi et al. [16]OPG, RANKLOPG/RANKL.RANKPromote osteogenesis and inhibit osteoclastogenesis
Stiehler et al. [31]ATM, ATRp53 signaling pathwayPromote osteogenic differentiation
Kang et al. [32]LC3B, P62AutophagyPromote proliferation