Research Article

Diametric Comparison between the Thoracodorsal Vessel and Deep Inferior Epigastric Vessel in Breast Reconstruction

Table 1

Patient demographics and characteristics.


Age (yr)


Blood pressure (mmHg)

History of treatment
 Radiation1 (3.70%)
 Chemotherapy1 (3.70%)
 Hormone replacement therapy2 (7.41%)
 Previous abdominal surgery11 (40.74%)

Past history
 Diabetes mellitus0 (0.00%)
 Hypertension4 (14.82%)
 Others7 (25.93%)
 Smoking1 (3.70%)

Surgical details
 Delayed reconstruction2 (7.41%)
 Supercharging anastomosis5 (18.5%)

Values are for continuous variables and number (percentage) for categorical variables. History of abdominal surgery includes one robot-assisted cholecystectomy, two open appendectomies, and eight caesarean sections. Others’ past histories comprised one viral hepatitis B, one carotid stenosis, one rheumatoid arthritis, one cerebrovascular accident, one coronary artery disease, and two hypothyroidisms.