Research Article

A Selection of Trauma Scores Might Not Correlate with Coagulation Factor Activity following Multiple Injuries: A Retrospective Observational Study from a Level 1 Trauma Center

Table 1

Activities or levels of soluble clotting factors, INR, and PTT from 68 multiply injured patients.


Fibrinogen (mg/dl)24474
FII (%)8220
Calcium (mmol/l)2.120.15
FV (%)7922
FVII (%)8923
FVIII (%)21690
FIX (%)9725
FX (%)8723
FXI (%)10126
FXII (%)9433
FXIII (%)9228
PTT (sec)26.76.5

Standard deviation (SD), clotting factor (F), International Normalized Ratio (INR), Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT).