Review Article

Disease-Associated Circular RNAs: From Biology to Computational Identification

Table 1

A comprehensive list of available pipelines and databases for detection, identification, and evaluation of circRNAs.

NameYearWeb functionsWeb linksLast updatedRefs.

MapSlice 22010A highly accurate algorithm for alignment of RNA-seq reads to splice junction[165]
Find_circ2013To detect backspliced sequencing reads, which is an indication of circRNAs in RNA-seq data[32]
CIRCfinder2013A pipeline to map junction reads for intronic circRNAs[166]
CircRNA_finder2014A pipeline to search for circRNAs from RNA-seq data[167]
CIRI2015A de novo circRNA identification tool to detect circRNAs from transcriptome data
04-16-2020[168, 169]
KINFE2015Known and Novel IsoForm Explorer is a statistically based splicing detection tool for circRNAs and linear isoforms from RNA-seq data[45]
miARma-seq2016A comprehensive tool for the identification of miRNAs, mRNAs, and circRNAs (not accessible)
NCLscan2016A stepwise alignment strategy to eliminate false calls; to identify both intragenic and intergenic NCL transcripts from paired-end RNA-seq data
UROBORUS2016A computational pipeline to detect circRNAs in total RNA-seq data (NA)NA[171]
deepBase v2.02016To decode evolution, expression patterns, and functions of diverse ncRNAs (incl. circRNAs) across 19 species (NA)
Acfs2016A pipeline for de novo circRNA identification, allowing the discovery of circRNAs from RNA-seq data[173]
pcircRNA_finder2016A pipeline for the prediction of plant circRNAs[174]
PTESFinder2016A computational pipeline for identifying posttranscriptional exon shuffling events from HTS data[126]
CirComPara2017A multimethod comparative bioinformatics pipeline to detect and study circRNAs from RNA-seq data[172]
RAISE2017A pipeline for circRNA backsplice sites and used for identification, quantification of abundance, and prediction of their internal structure using RNA-seq data[175]
CircPro2017An integrated tool for identification of circRNAs with protein-coding potential[176]
AutoCirc2017A pipeline that allows definition of m6A circRNAs with cell-type-specific expression[177]
PRAPI2018A pipeline to analyze differential expression of circRNAs[178]
hppRNA2018A snakemake-based RNA-seq pipeline to analyze circRNAs[179]
NetMiner2018A pipeline to construct a high-quality RNA-seq-based gene coexpression network and to predict biological functions of novel circRNAs[180]
Docker4Circ2019A comprehensive analysis of circRNAs in human and model organisms, including circRNA prediction, classification, and annotation
circtools2019A Python-based framework for circRNA-related tools that use a single command to unify different functionalities[182]
CircRNAFisher2019For de novo genome-wide circRNA identification and annotation
Note: bowtie2 is required.
CIRCexplorer32019Analysis of circRNAs and linear RNAs from rRNA-depleted RNA-seq data
01-28-2020[121, 184]
circCode2019A Python-based pipeline to identify the coding ability of circRNAs[185]
circMiner2020A fast and sensitive tool to detect circRNAs from RNA-seq data[186]
circDeep2020A deep learning approach for circRNA classification from long noncoding RNAs[187]
circDBG2020circRNA detection from high-throughput sequence data with de Bruijn’s graph[188]
CircParser2020A Unix/Linux-based pipeline to predict host gene circRNAs[189]

NA: not applicable. Last access date: 05-25-2020.