Research Article

Determinants of Preterm Birth among Mothers Who Gave Birth in Dilla University Referral Hospital, Southern Ethiopia: A Case-Control Study

Table 2

Obstetric and medical characteristics of women who gave birth at Dilla University Referral Hospital, Gedeo Zone, Southern Ethiopia, May 5–July 18, 2018 ().

VariableStudy subjects
Cases (number %)Controls (number %)

Attending antenatal care (ANC)
 Yes35 (58)145 (81)
 No25 (42)35 (19)

Number of ANC visits
 1 times11 (18)22 (12)
 2-3times10 (16)67 (37)
 ≥4 times14 (23)56 (31)

Family size
 1-21 (2)2 (1.2)
 3-424 (40)83 (46)
 ≥535 (58)95 (52.8)

Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
 Yes16 (27)20 (11)
 No44 (73)160 (89)

UTI (urinary tract infection)
 Yes11 (18.3)13 (7.2)
 No49 (81.7)167 (92.8)

HIV/AIDS serostatus
 Positives9 (15)5 (2.7)
 Not positive51 (85)175 (97.3)

History of preterm birth
 Yes11 (18)8 (4)
 No49 (82)172 (96)

History of abortion
 Yes23 (38)42 (23.3)
 No37 (62)138 (76.7)

Medication use during pregnancy
 Yes10 (20)26 (14.4)
 No50 (80)154 (85.5)