Research Article

Circular RNA cir-ITCH Is a Potential Therapeutic Target for the Treatment of Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer

Figure 4

The effects of cir-ITCH or miR-17 on the viability of PCa cell lines. Overexpression of cir-ITCH significantly inhibited the viabilities of LNCaP (a) and PC-3 (b) cells compared with GFP-transfected cells (, Student’s -test). miR-17 significantly promoted the viabilities of LNCaP (c) and PC-3 (d) cells (, Student’s -test). Viabilities of PCa cells cotransfected with cir-ITCH and miR-17 were comparable to viabilities of GFP-transfected cells (e, f) (ns: no significance, Student’s -test).