Clinical Study

Blood Monocyte Phenotype Fingerprint of Stable Coronary Artery Disease: A Cross-Sectional Substudy of SMARTool Clinical Trial

Figure 1

Representative example of the flow cytometry analysis for monocyte subset quantification. (a) Total monocyte cluster identification based on its forward and side scatter morphological characteristics (region R1). (b) Selection of CD14++/+ events and preliminary monocyte subset quantification (as percentage) [(CD14++/CD16- (Mon1, R4), CD14++/CD16+ (Mon2, R5), and CD14+/CD16++ (Mon3, R6)] initially based on their differential expression of markers CD14 and CD16. (c) The measurement of the actual circulating fraction of subsets Mon1 and Mon2 is obtained by multiplying, and then dividing by one hundred, the percentages of events measured at the point (regions R4 and R5) with their corresponding percentages of positivity of the distinctive marker CCR2 (grey subtraction histogram by the Overton technique). For the final quantification of the Mon3 fraction (region R6), the value of its CCR2 negative fraction is used.