Research Article

Baseline Levels of Serum Progesterone and the First Trimester Pregnancy Outcome in Women with Threatened Abortion: A Retrospective Cohort Study

Table 1

Baseline characteristics of participants.

Pregnancy outcomeContinue pregnancyMiscarriage value

(%)518 (71.35%)208 (28.65%)
Maternal age (mean (SD), years)30.07 (4.42)30.99 (5.29)0.02b
BMI (mean (SD), kg/m2)21.03 (2.95)21.14 (2.55)0.73b
Smoking history ( (%))2 (0.39%)0 (0.00%)0.37a
Drinking history ( (%))1 (0.19%)0 (0.00%)0.53a
Gestational week (mean (SD))6.24 (1.67)6.32 (1.74)0.57b
Gestity (medium (IOR), times)2.00 (2.00-3.00)3.00 (2.00-4.00)<0.05c
Parity (medium (IOR), times)0.00 (0.00-1.00)0.00 (0.00-1.00)0.06c
Abortion (medium (IOR), times)1.00 (0.00-2.00)1.00 (0.00-2.00)0.66c
Progesterone (medium (IOR), nmol/L)89.91 (66.86-123.00)67.59 (39.47-95.42)<0.01c
β-HCG (log10) (mean (SD))4.25 (0.82)3.64 (0.81)<0.01b
Embryo visualized ( (%))328 (63.32%)56 (27.05%)<0.01a
Cardiac movements visualized ( (%))323 (62.36%)38 (18.45%)<0.01a
Marital status0.74a
 Unmarried ( (%))12 (2.32%)4 (1.92%)
 Married ( (%))505 (97.68%)204 (98.08%)
Medical history
 Diabetes ( (%))2 (0.39%)2 (0.96%)0.34a
 Systemic lupus erythematosus ( (%))1 (0.19%)1 (0.48%)0.50a
 Polycystic ovary syndrome ( (%))25 (4.83%)5 (2.40%)0.14a
 Endometriosis ( (%))35 (6.76%)16 (7.69%)0.66a
 Hyperprolactinemia ( (%))9 (1.74%)4 (1.92%)0.87a
Using progesterone ( (%))405 (78.19%)162 (77.88%)0.93a

Basal progesterone and basal β-HCG were reported. aWe used a chi-square test to analyse the data of smoking history, drinking history, embryo visualization, cardiac movement visualization, marital status, diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, hyperprolactinemia, and whether using progesterone. bWe used the Student -test to analyse the data of maternal age, BMI, gestational week, and basal β-HCG (log10). cWe used the Mann-Whitney test to analyse the data of gestity, parity, abortion, and basal serum progesterone.