Research Article

Evaluation of the Role of Human DNAJAs in the Response to Cytotoxic Chemotherapeutic Agents in a Yeast Model System

Figure 6

Sensitivity of the DNAJAs-expressing strains to etoposide. (a) The survival of DNAJA1 and DNAJA2 strains was determined through exposure to etoposide. Serial dilutions of the treated strains were spotted onto Leu + glucose plates containing etoposide (1 mM) and incubated at 30°C. Growth was scored at 72 hours. Positive controls sensitive to etoposide is the rad52Δ deletion strain. (b) Survival was determined by growth of the treated strain relative to the growth of its untreated control. At least three sets of experiments were used in the statistical analysis. Average survival plus standard deviation is shown. Dil: serial dilutions; ns: not significantly different. Significantly different.