Research Article

Increased Temperature Facilitates Adeno-Associated Virus Vector Transduction of Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines in a Manner Dependent on Heat Shock Protein Signature

Figure 9

Temperature-related heat shock proteins (HSP) expression profiles of CRC and fibroblast of colon. The cells were exposed to hyperthermia (43°C, 1 h). The heat shock conditions reveal the differences between the sensitivity of CRC cells to increased temperature. Expression values (2−ΔΔCt) illustrate the specific HSP signature for CRC of different origin. Samples at 37°C were not exposed to hyperthermia conditions and were used as reference to calculated fold change (2−ΔΔCt). Expression in 37°C was marked as 1.0 for each gene, regardless of whether it was determined in all examined cells (exact results of HSP expression at 37°C were showed in Figure 10).