Research Article

Metagenomic Analysis Exploring Taxonomic and Functional Diversity of Soil Microbial Communities in Sugarcane Fields Applied with Organic Fertilizer

Table 1

Soil management and fertilizer regimes every year.

Sugarcane fieldsSoil fertilizer regimes

CKFertilization with potassium oxide (100 kg/hm2), calcium superphosphate fertilizer (400 kg/hm2), and urea (300 kg/hm2) in April every year.
OMFertilization with potassium oxide (75 kg/hm2), calcium superphosphate fertilizer (300 kg/hm2), and urea (225 kg/hm2) in April every year.
Fertilization with organic fertilizer (1125 kg/hm2) (26.4% organic C, 2.5% total N, 1.6% P2O5, and 1.3% K2O, made of composted rice straw and pig manure by Tianniang Ltd. of Changshu, China) in April every year.