Research Article

Contribution of Enteroviruses to Acute Central Nervous System or Systemic Infections in Northern Italy (2015-2017): Is It Time to Establish a National Laboratory-Based Surveillance System?

Table 1

Distribution of CSF samples and EV-positive CSF samples by age group, gender, and year of study.

No. (%) of CSF samplesNo. (%) of EV-positive CSF samples

Median age [Q1-Q3] (year)40.2 [5.9-69.7]3.7 [0-4.5]
GenderMale302 (51.9%)16 (61.5%)
Female280 (48.1%)10 (38.5%)
Children0-3 months79 (13.6%)14 (53.8%)
4-12 months20 (3.4%)3 (11.5%)
1-6 years49 (8.4%)4 (15.4%)
6-15 years47 (8.1%)3 (11.4%)
Total195 (33.5%)24 (92.3%)
Adults16-65 years219 (37.6%)2 (7.7%)
>65 years168 (28.9%)0 (0%)
Total387 (66.5%)2 (7.7%)
Year of study2015183 (32.5%)10 (38.5%)
2016222 (38.1%)7 (26.9%)
2017171 (29.4%)9 (34.6%)
Total582 (100%)26 (100%)