Research Article

The Antiosteoporosis Effects of Yishen Bugu Ye Based on Its Regulation on the Differentiation of Osteoblast and Osteoclast

Figure 3

YSBGY-induced protection against OP revealed by the bone morphological changes and osteoporotic indexes of the femur in OP mice. (a) Micro-CT images of the femur in OP mice. (b) 3D reconstructed images of the trabecular bone in the femur of OP mice. The (c) BMD, (d) BV/TV, (e) BS/BV, (f) Tb.Sp, (g) Tb.Th, and (h) Tb.N of the femur in all groups. Data are expressed as () and analyzed using a one-way ANOVA. #, ##, and ### vs. control mice; , , and vs. OP mice.