Research Article

Quantitative Evaluation of Peripheral Arterial Blood Flow Using Peri-Interventional Fluoroscopic Parameters: An In Vivo Study Evaluating Feasibility and Clinical Utility

Table 2

AUC data before and after intervention for ROIs 2 to 4 as compared to reference ROI 1 (defined as having an AUC of 100%).

ROIAUC: preintervention (%)AUC: postintervention (%)Significance of change ( value)Correlation coefficient (rho)Significance of correlation ( value)

II117.01 (±25.67)112.74 (±33.80)0.579−0.1390.560
III92.59 (±55.0)124.69 (±43.10)0.1050.3820.097
IV67.84 (±45.72)128.68 (±53.13)0.0030.6590.002

The arithmetic mean plus/minus standard deviation and values demonstrating the significance of pre- to postinterventional changes are listed. Spearman rank correlation coefficients (rho) and corresponding values demonstrating the significance of correlations in changes across all 10 patients at each ROI are also listed. values are calculated based on changes at each specific ROI and do not compare differing ROIs to one another. Significant values are marked with an asterisk.