Research Article

Assessment of Larval Toxicity and the Teratogenic Effect of Three Medicinal Plants Used in the Traditional Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections in Benin

Table 6

Effect of aqueous and ethanolic plant extracts on hematological parameters of chicks.

WB (103/μl)RB (103/μl)Hb (g/dl)The (%)MCV (fL)MCH (Pg)MCHC (g/dl)PLT (103/μl)

Lot NaCl
M. indica H2Oa
M. indica H2Ob
M. indica EtOHa
M. indica EtOHb
B. ferruginea H2Oa
B. ferruginea H2Ob
B. ferruginea EtOHa
B. ferruginea EtOHb
A. boonei H2Oa
A. boonei H2Ob
A. boonei EtOHa
A. boonei EtOHb

Legend: GB: white blood cells; NR: red blood cells; Hb: hemoglobin; Hte: hematocrit; MCV: average globular volume; MCH: average corpuscular hemoglobin content; MCHC: mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; PLT: platelets; H2Oa: aqueous extract at 100 mg/kg; H2Ob: aqueous extract at 300 mg/kg; EtOHa: ethanolic extract at 100 mg/kg; EtOHb: ethanolic extract at 300 mg/kg.