Research Article

A Pyramid Architecture-Based Deep Learning Framework for Breast Cancer Detection

Algorithm 1

Tissue-level pathological RoI extraction.
Input: WSI image I, patch level DeconvNet for scale l, Cl, layer number L, and confidence threshold t.
Output: Selected patches Ps.
1: Generate patches PsL-1 with step w and h in IL-1, and location code LCISL-1.
2: patches initialization with Ps = PsL-1.
3: for i = L-2 to 2 do
4: if Ps is empty then
5:  Break
6: for patch p in Ps do
7:  Calculate cancer confidence of p named c with Ci
8:  if c > t then
9:   Add LCIp to LCISi
10: for LCI in LCISido
11:  Calculate LCI in i-1 layer
12: Generate patches with all LCIs named Psi-1
13: Set current patch set Ps = Psi-1