Research Article

Association between Periodontitis and Carotid Artery Calcification: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Table 1

Quality assessment of cross-sectional studies.

StudyNIH criteria
1234567891011121314Quality rating

Tiller, 2011+NANA+NA+NAFair
Kamak, 2015++++NA+++CDNAGood
Dewake, 2020+++NA+NA+CDNAFair
Ravon, 2003+CDNA+NA+CDNAFair
Alsakr, 2020++++NA++NA+CDNAGood
Bilgin, 2020+++NA+NA+CDNA+Fair
Gustafsson, 2019++++NA+NA+CDNAGood
Paju, 2020++++NA++NA+CDNA+Good
Brice, 2007++++++NA++NA+CDNA+Good
Bagis, 2019++++NA+NA+CDNAGood

+: yes; -: no; NA: not applicable; CD: cannot determine.