Research Article

The Correlations between Clinical Features, Dermoscopic and Histopathological Findings, and Treatment Outcomes of Patients with Pitted Keratolysis

Table 1

Associations between pitted keratolysis (PK) diagnoses and dermoscopic findings of 45 cadets.

Dermoscopic findingsNumber (%)value
PK ()Non-PK ()

Pit37 (88.1)00.004
Pit size
 Same19/37 (51.4)
 Mixed18/37 (48.6)
Pit configuration
 Same12/37 (32.4)
 Mixed25/37 (67.6)
Pit arrangement
 Clustered5/37 (13.5)
 Scattered32/37 (86.5)
Pit characteristics
 Geometric3/37 (8.1)
 Interrupted dermatoglyphic lines33/37 (89.2)
 Bead sign8/37 (21.6)
White opaque10 (23.8)2 (66.7)0.169
Black or brown opaque3 (7.1)01.000

was statistically significant.