Research Article

The Correlations between Clinical Features, Dermoscopic and Histopathological Findings, and Treatment Outcomes of Patients with Pitted Keratolysis

Table 2

Associations between clinical manifestations and presence of bacteria found in histopathology.

Clinical manifestationsNumber (%) value
No bacteria presence ()Bacteria presence ()

Clinical severity
Involvement area (% of total foot area)50.851.70.804
VAS of foot odor ()0.175
DLQI: median (P25, P75)6.0 (2.8, 7.3)8.0 (3.0, 15.0)0.432
Dermoscopic findings
Pit6 (100.0)26 (83.9)0.567
Pit size
 Same3/6 (50.0)11/26 (42.3)1.000
 Mixed3/6 (50.0)15/26 (57.7)
Pit configuration
 Same1/6 (16.7)7/26 (26.9)1.000
 Mixed5/6 (83.3)9/26 (73.1)
Pit arrangement
 Clustered1/6 (16.7)3/26 (11.5)1.000
 Scattered5/6 (83.3)23/26 (88.5)
Pit characteristics
 Geometric1/6 (16.7)2/26 (7.7)0.476
 Interrupted dermatoglyphic lines3/6 (50.0)25/26 (96.2)0.015
 Bead sign2/6 (33.3)6/26 (23.1)0.625
 White opaque07 (22.6)0.571
 Black or brown opaque03 (9.7)1.000
Histopathological findings
Pits4 (66.7)30 (96.8)0.062
Parakeratosis05 (16.1)0.567
Color alteration of keratin2 (33.3)25 (80.6)0.035

was statistically significant. Abbreviations: DLQI: Dermatology Life Quality Index; VAS: visual analog scale.