Research Article

Short-Term Effects of Supplemental L-Arginine, Diosmin, Troxerutin, and Hesperidin in Diabetic Patients: A Pilot Study

Figure 2

Box plots representing the distribution of parameter values at three different time points. Shown here are the value distributions of those parameters whose differences between the three chosen time points were the most statistically significant. The black horizontal bar inside the box graphically represents the median of the distribution of values (the 50th centile). The upper and lower borders of the box indicate the distribution quartiles or the 75th and the 25th centile, respectively. The lines extending above and below the boxes are the adjacent values, i.e., the most extreme observations that still do not extend more than 1.5 the height of the box beyond the quartiles and that contain about 99% of the observations. Finally, the black dots on one or on both sides of the boxes represent the atypical observations excluded from the majority of the recorded results. The time points analyzed were T0 (basal conditions), T1 (after three months of dietary supplementation with Flebotrofine®), and T2 (one month after treatment suspension): (a) box plots representing arginine values; (b) box plots representing the results of the ADMA/arginine ratio; (c) box plots displaying β-carotene value distributions; (d) box plots of apolipoprotein B (ApoB) results; (e) box plots representing platelet count distributions; (f) box plots showing the distributions of leukocytes.