Research Article

Direct DNA Sequencing-Based Analysis of Microbiota Associated with Hematological Malignancies in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia

Table 1

Characteristics of patients with hematological malignancy in this study.

Patient characteristicValue (range, %age)

Median age (years)41 (18-74)
No. (%) of patients with diagnosis
 Acute myeloid leukemia9 (21.95%)
 Chronic myeloid leukemia10 (24.39%)
 Acute lymphatic leukemia15 (36.58%)
 Chronic lymphoid leukemia5 (12.19%)
 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma1 (2.43%)
 Hodgkin lymphoma1 (2.43%)
WBC (/μl)497 (8-3800)
Neutrophil (/μl)109 (5-850)
Fever period (days)4.3 (1-13)