Research Article

Comparable Effects of Strontium Ranelate and Alendronate Treatment on Fracture Reduction in a Mouse Model of Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Figure 2

Effects of different treatments on fracture reduction in oim/oim mice. Representative radiographs of (a) Veh-treated, (b) SrR-treated, and (c) Aln-treated oim/oim mice. Red arrow: fractures at different locations. (d) Representative radiograph of Veh-treated wt/wt mice. (e) Statistical analysis of fractures sustained at 14 weeks of age by oim/oim mice after 11 weeks of treatment with Veh, SrR, and Aln. Compared with Veh treatment, the number of fractures was significantly reduced with SrR or Aln treatment. Values were expressed as ; for the oim/Veh group (missing data due to death), for the oim/SrR and oim/Aln group (missing data due to death). compared to oim/Veh.