Research Article

HIV Preventive Behaviors and Associated Factors among Gold Mining Workers in Dima District, Southwest Ethiopia, 2019: Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Practices of preventive behavior among mining workers in Dima district Gambella region southwest Ethiopia, November 2019.

VariablesFrequency (%)

Ever sexual intercourse
Yes415 (91.2)
No40 (8.8)
Sexual activity in the last 12 months
Yes389 (85.5)
No22 (4.8)
Sexual partners
Regular partner89 (21.7)
Casual partner235 (57.3)
Commercial sex worker82 (20.0)
Number of sexual partners
One97 (30.5)
Two and above221 (69.5)
Condom use on last sexual intercourse
Yes337 (90.8)
No34 (9.2)
The habit of condom use
Consistently282 (81.3)
Sometimes53 (15.3)
Rarely10 (2.9)
Occasionally2 (0.6)
HIV test with in the last three months
Yes182 (40.0)
No273 (60.0)
Shared sharp materials in the three months
Yes107 (23.5)
No348 (76.5)