Research Article

Low-Frequency Stimulation Prevents Kindling-Induced Impairment through the Activation of the Endocannabinoid System

Figure 3

The effects of low-frequency stimulation (LFS), kindling, cannabinoid 1 (CB1) agonist (WIN55-212-2), and CB1 antagonist (AM251) on spatial memory in the Morris water maze (MWM) test. (a) Traveled distance percentage in the target quadrant (Q4) and (b) time percentage in the Q4. In the probe test phase of the MWM, the submerged platform was removed from the Q4. Every rat was allowed to swim for 60 seconds, and its traveled distance and spent time in the Q4 were measured. Decreased amounts, in comparison to the control group, indicate spatial memory impairment. Data are shown as . (compared to the control group); # (compared to the kindled group); & and && (compared to the KLFS group).