Research Article

Low-Frequency Stimulation Prevents Kindling-Induced Impairment through the Activation of the Endocannabinoid System

Figure 4

The effects of LFS, kindling, cannabinoid 1 (CB1) agonist (WIN55-212-2), and CB1 antagonist (AM251) on the discrimination ratio in the novel object recognition (NOR) test. In a 5 min training session, the rats were allowed to explore two identical objects that were always situated at the same locations. In a 3 min test session, the time spent for sniffing or touching the objects was defined as the exploration time. Discrimination ratio (recognition index) in training and test phases was defined as the ratio of the exploration time for each object to the total exploration time for both objects. Decreased amounts, in comparison to the control group, indicate memory impairment. Data are shown as . (compared to the control group); # (compared to the kindled group); & (compared to the KLFS group).