Research Article

Coronary Vessel Segmentation by Coarse-to-Fine Strategy Using U-nets

Algorithm 2

Detecting important nodes in the blood vessel tree.
Input: The central line of the large vessel segmentation result (output central line)
Output: L: List of important nodes in the blood vessels
Step 1. Based on the image of the central line of a large vessel (binary image), we classify each pixel () into three classes (three labels) [0, 1, 2] as follows:
Step 2. Find the important nodes (start, end, and junction nodes)
While output central line (skeleton image) and ==2:
ā€ƒ+ Find neighbour object pixels of pixel that were classified into class 2 (label 2), and then calculate centroid point of them.
ā€ƒ+ node ā† centroid point
ā€ƒ+ L.append(node) (add determined node into List L)