Research Article

Coronary Vessel Segmentation by Coarse-to-Fine Strategy Using U-nets

Algorithm 3

Small blood vessel region detection.
Input: L: List of important nodes in the blood vessels, the central line image (skeleton binary image), label of object pixels.
Output: B: List of rectangles including small blood vessels
Step 1. Find blood vessel segments, edges
 Init: edges =
 Visit every node of list L:
  edge =
    (i) Find neighbour object pixel (called as nb) of the current node (the pixel with label of 1 in the central line image),
    (ii) Update: node = nb,
    (iii) edge.append(node)
  Until nb∈ L
Step 2. Find the top-left and bottom-right coordinates of rectangle
 Init: i =0; B =
 For edge edges:
    (i) Find two points, p1 and p2, so that p1 is the top-left point and p2 is the bottom-right point of a rectangle that includes the largest blood vessel region based on equations (3) and (4).
    (ii) B[i].append(p1, p2)
    (iii) i = i+1