Research Article

Prevalence, Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns, and Risk Factors Associated with Enterococci among Pediatric Patients at Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeastern Ethiopia

Table 3

Bivariate and multivariate analysis of associated factors for acquiring enterococci infection among pediatric patients attending DRH from February to May 2019.

Variables (total no.)Enterococci infectionCOR (CI 95%) valueAOR value
Positive (%)Negative (%)

 ≤4 (124)5 (4%)119 (96.0%)1.21 (0.319-4.65)0.77NA
 5-9 (159)2 (1.3%)157 (98.7%)0.360 (0.06-2.05)0.25
 10-14 (120)4 (3.3%)116 (96.7%)1
 Male (188)5 (2.7%)183 (97.3%)1.05 (0.31-3.50)0.93NA
 Female (215)6 (2.8%)209 (97.2%)1
 Urban (189)4 (2.1%)185 (97.9%)1.56 (0.45-5.42)0.48NA
 Rural (214)7 (3.3%)207 (96.7%)1
Patient setting
 Inpatient (271)7 (5.3%)125 (94.7%)3.73 (1.07-13.00)0.0380.33 (0.10-2.13)0.48
 Outpatient (132)4 (1.5%)267 (98.5%)1
Family educational status
 Illiterate (178)5 (2.8%)173 (97.2%)0.63 (0.12-3.33)0.59NA
 Read and write (111)2 (1.8%)109 (98.2)2.35 (0.54-10.25)0.25
 High school (47)3 (6.4%)44 (93.6%)0.88 (0.10-7.80)0.91
 Diploma (40)1 (2.5%)39 (97.5)1.02 (0.21-6.37)0.99
 First degree and higher (27)0 (0.0%)27 (100.0%)1
History of
 Antibiotic administration10 (4.3%)221 (95.7%)7.81 (0.99-61.66)0.05210.17 (0.50-206.3)0.131
 Invasive procedure5 (17.2%)24 (82.8%)28.2 (7.77-102.23)<0.00126.91 (4.96-148.99)<0.001
 Malnutrition2 (8.3%)88 (91.7%)3.73 (0.76-18.35)0.1016.31 (0.5-28.09)0.076
 Burn1 (14.3%)6 (85.7%)6.43 (0.70-58.53)0.260NA
 Animal contact3 (6.4%)44 (93.6%)2.96 (0.75-11.59)0.1100.11 (0.15-0.93)0.043
 Chronic illness6 (9.2%)59 (90.8%)6.77 (2.00-22.91)0.02116.21 (2.98-88.08)<0.001
 Contact with health profess5 (6.1%)77 (93.9%)3.40 (1.01-11.46)0.0421.78 (0.32-9.91)0.508
 Admission8 (11.8%)60 (88.2%)14.75 (1.36-15.59)0.02013.73 (3.01-62.59)<0.001
 Hospital stay >48 hr7 (15.7%)39 (84.7%)3.41 (0.39-29.74)0.261NA

Statistically significant at . AOR: adjusted odds ratio; COR: crude odds ratio; 1: reference group; 95% CI: 95% confidence interval; NA: not applicable.