Research Article

Impairment of Proprioception in Young Adult Nonradicular Patients with Lumbar Derangement Syndrome

Table 1

Inclusion and exclusion criteria for the study and control groups.

Inclusion criteria for the study groupInclusion criteria for the control groupExclusion criteria for both groups

(i) Reporting pain of L-S parts areas of the spine for the minimum of 12 weeks
(ii) At least one medical opinion and/or imaging test (i.e., MRI and CT) excluding cancer, spondylolisthesis, and congenital spinal malformations
(iii) The degree of disability according to ODI questionnaire
(iv) LDS—occurrence of centralisation and directional preference—according to MDT method
(v) LBP without radiation or with radiation to the proximal part of lower limb—according to QTFC
(i) No LBP episodes inthe medical report(i) Spine trauma (i.e., fracture) in medical report
(ii) Surgical treatment in the area of spine and/or pelvis, lower limbs
(iii) Neurologic diseases in medical report (np. MS, ALS)
(iv) Rheumatoid diseases in the medical report (i.e., RA and AS)
(v) DM (diabetic neuropathy)
(vi) Blurred vision
(vii) Pain in cervical spine on the day of the examination
(viii) Vertigo symptoms in the medical report
(ix) Pregnancy
(x) Lack of cooperation
(xi) Use of pain medications on the day of examination

ODI: Oswestry Disability Index; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; CT: computed tomography; LBP: low back pain; MS: multiple sclerosis; ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; RA: rheumatoid arthritis; AS: ankylosing spondylitis; DM: diabetes mellitus; BMI: body mass index, L-S: lumbosacral; LDS: lumbar derangement syndrome; QTFC: Quebec Task Force Classification.