Research Article

[Retracted] NREM Sleep EEG Characteristics Correlate to the Mild Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Parkinsonism

Table 1

Demographic characteristics and sleep parameters monitored by PSG.


Age (years)
BMI (kg/m2)23.59 (21.79, 26.68)25.51 (20.70, 27.68)
AHI (/h)11.90 (2.30, 17.80)4.40 (2.80, 15.30)
TST (min)
SE (%)58.70 (48.15, 76.10)59.00 (39.30, 68.80)
Sleep latency (min)22.50 (9.38, 48.13)36.00 (13.00, 52.63)
WASO (min)
R/TST (%)
N1/TST (%)
N2/TST (%)
N3/TST (%)10.20 (5.85, 15.70)8.00 (3.90, 21.90)

PDS-NC vs. PDS-MCI. Data representing age, TST, WASO, R/TST, N1/TST, and N2/TST are expressed as , and -tests were used for between-group comparison. Data representing AHI, BMI, SE, sleep latency, and N3/TST are expressed as the median (25th-75th percentile), and nonparametric tests were used for between-group comparison. Abbreviations: BMI: body mass index; AHI: apnea and hypopnea index; TST: total sleep time; SE: sleep efficacy; WASO: wake time after sleep onset; R: rapid eye movement sleep; N1: nonrapid eye movement 1 sleep; N1: nonrapid eye movement 2 sleep; N3: nonrapid eye movement 3 sleep.