Research Article

Protective Effects of A. sativa against Oxidative Stress-Induced Liver Damage in Ovariectomized Mice

Table 6

Antioxidant system activities of controls and ovariectomized treated mice for 21 and 60 days.


21 days+
60 days+++
21 days+
60 days
21 days++
60 days
21 days+
60 days

Values are expressed as of 6 mice per group. One-way ANOVA followed by Fisher’s protected least significant difference test as a post hoc test for comparison between groups. aSOD: superoxide dismutase (U SOD/mg protein); bCAT: catalase (U/mg protein); cGPx: glutathione peroxidase (nmol/mg protein); dGSH: reduced glutathione (μmol/g tissue weight). C: control; A: normal mice fed with Avena sativa; O: ovariectomized mice; OE: ovariectomized mice treated with estrogen; OA: ovariectomized mice fed with Avena sativa. Comparison between the O or A or OA or OE group and the control (C) group: ; ; . Comparison between the OE or OA group and the ovariectomized (O) group: +; ++; +++.