Research Article

Score for Predicting Active Cancer in Patients with Ischemic Stroke: A Retrospective Study

Table 1

Comparison of baseline characteristics between patients with ischemic stroke and active cancer and those without cancer.

VariablesCancer group Control group value

Age (years)3.00<0.01
Sex (% male)34 (64.2)522 (70.0)0.790.37
Vascular risk factors
Hypertension30 (56.6)508 (68.1)2.970.09
Diabetes mellitus14 (26.4)286 (38.3)3.000.08
Hyperlipidemia12 (22.6)368 (49.3)14.13<0.01
Atrial fibrillation4 (7.6)46 (6.2)0.57
Coronary heart disease8 (15.1)106 (14.2)0.030.86
Previous stroke/TIA7 (13.2)129 (17.3)0.590.45
Current smoking25 (47.2)351 (47.1)0.000.99
Obesity6 (11.3)121 (16.2)0.890.35
TOAST classification
Large-artery atherosclerosis5 (9.4)455 (61.0)53.85<0.01
Cardioembolism2 (3.8)33 (4.4)1.00
Small vessel occlusion9 (17.0)216 (29.0)3.510.06
Other determined etiology2 (3.8)11 (1.5)0.21
Undetermined etiology35 (66.0)31 (4.2)250.6<0.01
Ischemic stroke characteristics
Initial NIHSS score2.89<0.01
AMCI30 (56.6)148 (19.8)38.63<0.01
VTE or PE7 (13.2)28 (3.8)10.56<0.01
Laboratory markers
Hemoglobin (g/L)-6.63<0.01
Platelets (/109)-0.640.53
Fibrinogen (g/L)3.49<0.01
D-dimer (mg/mL)2.23 (0.98–10.76)0.35 (0.27–0.48)-9.55<0.01
CRP (mg/L)18.40 (5.45–46.00)3.90 (2.80–6.33)-7.35<0.01

Data are presented as the , median (interquartile range), or (%). Abbreviations: AMCI: acute multiple cerebral infarctions; VTE: venous thromboembolism; PE: pulmonary embolism; CRP: C-reactive protein; NIHSS: National Institute of Health Stroke Scale; TOAST: Trial of Org 10172 in Acute Stroke Treatment; TIA: transient ischemic attack.