Research Article

Patient Recovery from COVID-19 Infections: Follow-Up of Hair, Nail, and Cutaneous Manifestations

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 infected patients.

Clinical characteristics ()Number/total (%)

 Female39/93 (41.9)
 Male54/93 (58.1)
Age at onset: (years)
Underlying diseases35/93 (37.6)
 Hypertension13/35 (37.1)
 Diabetes12/35 (34.3)
 Dyslipidemia6/35 (17.1)
 Allergic rhinitis3/35 (8.6)
 Old pulmonary tuberculosis2/35 (5.7)
 Cancer2/35 (5.7)
 Stroke2/35 (5.7)
 Chronic hepatitis B infection2/35 (5.7)
 Psoriasis2/35 (5.7)
 Thalassemia1/35 (2.9)
 Alzheimer’s disease1/35 (2.9)
Presented symptoms
 Asymptomatic1/93 (1.0)
 Upper respiratory tract66/93 (71.0)
 Lower respiratory tract26/93 (28.0)
Disease severityǂ
 Asymptomatic1/93 (1.0)
 Mild66/93 (71.0)
 Moderate9/93 (9.7)
 Severe13/93 (14.0)
 Critical state4/93 (4.3)
Laboratory investigation
 Leukopenia25/93 (26.9)
 Leukocytosis5/93 (5.4)
 Abnormal liver function test17/91 (18.7)
 Elevated C-reactive protein35/80 (43.8)
 Abnormal chest X-ray26/93 (28.0)
Duration of hospitalization: median (min, max; days)6.0 (2.0, 53.0)

One patient could have more than one disease. ǂThe severity of COVID-19 was classified according to the COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines of the National Institutes of Health.