Research Article

Pharmacological Effects of Marine-Derived Enterococcus faecium EA9 against Acute Lung Injury and Inflammation in Cecal Ligated and Punctured Septic Rats

Figure 1

Histological evaluation of marine E. faecium effects on pulmonary inflammation and injury in Wistar rats with sepsis. Images are represented in ×40 and ×100 magnifications. The sham group showed regular lung architecture with no inflammatory exudates and normal hyaline membranes and septal thickening. Similarly, the sham+E. faecium group demonstrated ordinary histological features of lung tissues without inflammation or altered hyaline membranes and septal thickening. In the CLP group, there was a significant inflammatory infiltration of neutrophils and hyaline membranes with marked thickening of the septum. The CLP+E. faecium group revealed low extent of neutrophilic inflammatory infiltrate with mild septal thickening and hyaline deposition.