Research Article

Transplantation of Human Umbilical Cord-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Improves Cartilage Repair in a Rabbit Model

Table 1

Histological grading scale for the defects of the cartilage (Wakitani et al. [13]).


Cell morphology
 Hyaline cartilage0
 Mostly hyaline cartilage1
 Mostly fibrocartilage2
 Mostly noncartilage3
 Noncartilage only4
Matrix-staining (metachromasia)
 Normal (compared with the host adjacent cartilage)0
 Slightly reduced1
 Markedly reduced2
 No metachromatic stain3
Surface regularitya
 Smooth (>3/4)0
 Moderate (>112-314)1
 Irregular (1/41/2)2
 Severely irregular (<1/4)3
Thickness of cartilageb
Integration of donor with host adjacent cartilage
 Both edges integrated0
 One edge integrated1
 Neither edge integrated2
 Total maximum14

aTotal smooth area of the reparative cartilage compared with the entire area of the cartilage defect. bAverage thickness of the reparative cartilage compared with that of the surrounding cartilage.