Research Article

Effects of Hypoxia on Selected Psychophysiological Stress Responses of Military Aircrew

Table 3

Heart rate variability.

Evaluation moment
VariablesBaselineHypoxiaRecoveryMoment comparison
(1): baseline
(2): hypoxia
(3): recovery

HR mean (bpm)0.003;
HR max (bmp)0.375
HR min (bmp)0.453
RMSSD (ms)0.047
PNN50 (%)0.074
LF (n.u)0.039
HF (n.u)0.064
LF/HF (ratio).005;
SD1 (ms)≤0.001;
SD2 (ms)≤0.001;

HR: heart rate; RMSSD: square root of the mean of the sum of the squared differences between adjacent normal RR intervals; pNN50: the percentage of differences between RR intervals higher than 50 ms; HF: high frequency; LF: low frequency; n.u.: normalised unit; SD1: variability of the short-term HRV; SD2: variability of the long-term HRV.