Research Article

Long Noncoding RNA RP11-357H14.17 Plays an Oncogene Role in Gastric Cancer by Activating ATF2 Signaling and Enhancing Treg Cells

Figure 4

RP11-357H14.17 promotes the immunosuppression in human gastric cancer tissues by increasing Treg cell percentage. Heatmap of all significantly different gene sets of c7 ssGSEA analysis for comparison between cancer and normal control samples (a) and RP11-357H14.17 high and low expression samples (b) from TCGA-STAD. The “Treg” cell-related gene sets were highlighted in red font. (c) Heatmap of up-regulated genes in “GSE37532_TREG_VS_TCONV_CD4_TCELL_FROM_UP” gene set derived from comparison between cancer and normal control samples and RP11-357H14.17 high and low expression samples from TCGA-STAD, and the representative genes were highlighted in bold. (d) Representative gene expression stands for “GSE37532_TREG_VS_TCONV_CD4_TCELL_FROM_UP” gene set was compared between cancer and normal control samples, RP11-357H14.17 high and low expression samples from TCGA-STAD, , , and , by unpaired test, and 52 paired GC tissues categorized as RP11-357H14.17 high, low expression, and normal control, , one-way ANOVA (e). (f) Representative multiple-color IHC staining figures for CD4, Foxp3, and TGF-β protein and comparison between 52 paired GC tissues categorized as RP11-357H14.17 high, low expression, and normal control. , one-way ANOVA.