Research Article

Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase and Nitric Oxide Levels in Peripheral Blood Cells and Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Levels in Saliva as Early Markers of Severe Dengue

Figure 4

oxLDL in plasma and saliva from DF patients and patients who later developed SD collected at admission within 4 days from fever onset. oxLDL levels in (a) plasma and (b) saliva collected at admission on day 2, day 3, day 4, within 3 days, and within 4 days from fever onset. Data expressed as box and whisker plots with median for all subjects shown as the center line, the box representing interquartile range (IQ25–75), and the lines showing the range of the data. XMean, ° times interquartile range beyond the quartiles, .