Research Article

Acetabular Fractures with Central Hip Dislocation: A Retrospective Consecutive 50 Case Series Study Based on AO/OTA 2018 Classification in Midterm Follow-Up

Table 1

Distribution of age, sex, and clinical report in study subjects.

Patient characteristicsTotal number (%)Survival to THA (%)Conversion to THA (%) value1

 Female23 (46.0%)21 (53.9%)2 (18.2%)
 Male27 (54.0%)18 (46.2%)9 (81.8%)
 <2428 (56.0%)22 (56.4%)6 (54.5%)
 ≥2422 (44.0%)17 (43.6%)5 (45.5%)
AO/OTA classification0.31
 62B30 (60.0%)25 (64.1%)5 (45.5%)
 62C20 (40.0%)14 (35.9%)6 (54.5%)
 12 (4.0%)1 (2.56%)1 (9.09%)
 217 (34.0%)14 (35.9%)3 (27.3%)
 331 (62.0%)24 (61.5%)7 (63.6%)
Marginal impaction0.02
 No26 (52.0%)24 (61.5%)2 (18.2%)
 Yes24 (48.0%)15 (38.5%)9 (81.8%)
Bladder injury0.17
 No43 (86.0%)34 (89.7%)8 (72.7%)
 Yes7 (14.0%)5 (10.3%)3 (27.3%)
Sciatic nerve injury0.03
 No46 (92.0%)38 (97.4%)8 (72.7%)
 Yes4 (8.0%)1 (2.56%)3 (27.3%)
Central dislocation type0.15
 115 (30.0%)14 (35.9%)1 (9.09%)
 222 (44.0%)17 (43.6%)5 (45.5%)
 313 (26.0%)8 (20.5%)5 (45.5%)
Matta reduction criteria0.055
 Anatomical22 (44.0%)19 (48.7%)3 (27.3%)
 Imperfect21 (42.0%)17 (43.6%)4 (36.4%)
 Poor7 (14.0%)3 (7.69%)4 (36.4%)
Age, y, mean (Q1, Q3)54.5 (37, 66)52.5 (37, 66)55 (32, 72)0.902
ISS, mean (Q1, Q3)16 (10, 20)16 (10, 20)18 (16, 20)0.522

1Chi-square test/Fisher’s exact test; 2Wilcoxon rank-sum test.