Research Article

Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Relationship among mRNAs, lncRNAs, and circRNAs of Slow Transit Constipation

Figure 6

Analysis of differentially expressed mRNAs, lncRNAs, and circRNAs. (A, c, e) Volcano plot of DE mRNAs (a), DE lncRNAs (c), and DE circRNAs (e). Red and green, respectively, indicate the upregulated and downregulated expressions. (b, d, f) Heat map shows the expression profile of DE mRNAs (b), DE lncRNAs (d), and DE circRNAs (f) among each sample. The horizontal line in the volcano map represented the fold (log2 scaled) down or up changes, the vertical line represented a corrected value of 0.05 (-log10 scaled), green spots indicated the differentially downexpressed RNAs with statistical significance, red spots indicated the differentially upexpressed RNAs with statistical significance, and light grey spots indicated RNAs with no statistically significant expression.