Research Article

Bioinformatics Analysis of Spike Proteins of Porcine Enteric Coronaviruses

Table 3

Physical and chemical properties of porcine enteric coronavirus spike proteins.

CharacteristicTGEV-S proteinPEDV-S proteinSADS-S proteinPDCoV-S protein

Number of amino acids1448138311301159
Molecular weight159888.38151352.74125996.51128074.64
Theoretical (PI)
Number of negatively charged residues1261179289
Number of positively charged residues100858773
Instability index (II)30.3032.6031.8331.94
Aliphatic index90.9793.2184.7793.96
Grand average of hydropathicity0.0350.123-0.0290.027